MIGU supplied green coffee bean extract chlorogenic acid 50% and other standard purity and OEM service with analysis meets the EP, USP, JP, CP.....
Green Coffee Bean Extract 50% chlorogenic acid HPLC offered by MIGU –a 17 years
experienced cGMP manufacturer with warehosues in NJ & CA, USA.
Latin Name: Coffea L.(Coffea robusta or Coffea arabica)
Material Original:YunNan,China
Extracted Part: Fruit
Supported Purity:Green coffee bean extract chlorogenic acid 10% 20% 50%
What is Green Coffee Bean Extract ?
With a similar appearance to beans, seeds of coffee berries are commonly called coffee beans,
which grown on trees cultivated in over 70 cuntries, primarily in equatorial latin America, Southeast
Asia, South Asia and Africa. Coffee berries are produced by several species of small evergreen
bush of the genus Coffea. The two most commonly grown are the highly regarded Coffea arabica,
and the “robusta” which is a form of the hardier Coffea canephora . The latter is resistant to the
devastating coffee leaf rust(Hemileia vastatrix). Once ripe, coffee berries are picked,processed
and dried , the seeds or beans are then roasted to varying degrees, depending on the desired flavor.
They are then ground and brewed to create coffee. But in unroasted state, the coffee beans are
called green coffee beans, which are rarely used for coffee because of their bitter flavor.
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It is said that green coffee bean’s energizing effect was likely first discovered in the northeast
region of Ethiopia.Ever since, the health benefits of coffee, especially the coffee beans, have
been studied in various researches. However contradictory as to whether coffee has any specific
health benefits, green coffee bean, as a dietary supplement, is still avaiable as a naturopathic
medicine and antioxidant
How Green Coffee Beans Extract Actions in Pharmacological
Green coffee bean extract is a fine powder extracted from unroasted green coffee beans.Of all
the health benefits being discovered about green coffee bean extract, weight management is
the most remarkable attributes that stands right up in the front . The active ingredients that
contributes to promote weight loss is known as chlorogenic acid (CGA), which is a natural
compound in green coffee bean extract. Studies show that CGA helps slow down the release
of glucose in the body and boosts of thermogensis. This is essentially burning away fat that is s
tored as well as blocking the formulation of new fat cells. These two processes combined are
what make green coffee bean extract such a powderful weight loss supplement.
pTo ensure stable and high -quality supply of raw material, Maxingreda works closely with plantation located
in YunNan provicne, neighboring Vietnam. The plantation covers an area over 2000 hectares. The abundant
supply of green coffee beans guarantees an annual production capacity of 500t of green coffee bean extract
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How Does Green Coffee Bean Extract Work?
Green coffee bean contains polyphenols, including chlorogenic acids, which, like grape seed extract and
green tea, have antioxidant that help the body neutralize harmful free radicals. Research has also shown
that the chlorogenic acid in green coffee bean has an antihypertensive effect on rats and humans that
promotes normal blood pressure [1-3].
Unlike coffee beverages, green coffee bean extract is low in caffeine and is not a stimulant. Chlorogenic
acids are also destroyed when coffee beans are roasted and their benefits are not available in coffee drinks
Chlorogenic acids support the weight loss benefits of green coffee bean in a couple different ways. First,
promote balanced blood sugar by inhibiting the release of glucose within the body. Secondly, chlorogenic
acids boost the metabolic output of the liver, which burns more fat. This dual mechanism works to support
lean body mass by hindering the absorption of fat and weight gain.
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The benifits of Green Coffee Bean Extract
A. Potential Weight Loss
According to a study published in March 2006 in “BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine,” daily
supplementation of an extract prepared from green coffee beans reduced body fat and body weight in
mice, as well as fat composition in the liver. The effect was similar in mice supplemented with isolated
chlorogenic acids and caffeine, which suggests that these are the compounds responsible for the effect.
Chlorogenic acids found in green coffee can be digested and absorbed by humans, which implies a
similar availability as the extract.
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B.Reduction of High Blood Pressure
In addition to its effects on promoting weight loss, chlorogenic acids in green coffee can reduce blood
pressure. According to a study published in 2006 in “Clinical and Experimental Hypertension,” patients
supplemented with 140 milligrams of green coffee bean extract per day demonstrated reduced blood
pressure throughout the study. No side effects were reported, which suggests that green coffee is a
safe way to help reduce high blood pressure.
C.Improved Mood and Cognitive Performance
The caffeine found in green coffee has a positive effect on your mood and brain activity. According to
a review published in February 2008 in “Nutrition Bulletin,” several studies have confirmed that caffeine
can improve reaction time, vigilance, memory, alertness, focus, fatigue resistance and other factors of
cognitive performance. Reviewers found the optimal intake of green coffee to be between 38 to 400
milligrams per day, or between approximately 1/3 cup to four cups of brewed coffee.
D.Benefits From Antioxidants
Green coffee beans and their derived products contain multiple antioxidants, which are compounds that
reduce the effects of cell-damaging free radicals in the body. This preventative function keeps you
healthier by reducing the amount of damage and stress your cells can take. According to a study published
in July 2004 in the “Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,” chlorogenic acid antioxidants in green
coffee beans could prevent the proliferation of four kinds of cancer cells, suggesting green coffee may
be useful in preventing some types of cancer.
Research Indicates Weight Loss Benefits of Green Coffee Bean
In 2006, a study published in BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine examined the inhibition of
fat accumulation and weight gain in mice that were given green coffee bean extract. Researchers noted
that the mice had reduced visceral fat content and body weight. It was concluded that green coffee bean
extract may be effective against weight gain and fat accumulation by preventing fat absorption and
activating fat metabolism in the liver [4].
In 2011, Gastroenterology Research and Practice published a meta-analysis of 5 studies, which had
examined green coffee bean extract as a weight loss supplement. Although it was noted that more
research was appropriate, it was also concluded that aggregate data showed a significant difference
in body weight in the subjects of the studies who had supplemented with GCE, compared with placebo,
and that evidence indicates that GCE can promote weight loss [5].
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This conclusion was supported by an early 2012 study published in The Diabetes Metabolic Syndrome
and Obesity journal that followed a group of 16 adults who supplemented with green coffee bean for
a period of 12 weeks, without making any dietary changes. The results were significantly astounding.
During this time, subjects lost an average of 10.5% of overall body weight and 16% of overall body fat,
without any reported negative side effects [6].
When it comes to losing weight, proper diet and exercise are paramount to success. However, research
shows that adding a supplement like green coffee bean extract can increase weight loss potential, in
addition to the antioxidant benefit. As with all supplements, for green coffee bean to be effective, it must
be a pure, organic 100% high grade coffee bean extract supplement manufactured in the US with
laboratory tests certifying the product’s potency and quality.More Scientific research and development , please check here
1.Suzuki A, Kagawa D, Ochiai R, Tokimitsu I, Saito I. Green coffee bean extract and its metabolites have a
hypotensive effect in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Hypertens Res. 2002 Jan;25(1):99-107.
2.Ochiai R, Jokura H, Suzuki A, Tokimitsu I, Ohishi M, Komai N, Rakugi H, Ogihara T.Green coffee bean extract
improves human vasoreactivity. Hypertens Res. 2004 Oct;27(10):731-7.
3.Watanabe T, Arai Y, Mitsui Y, Kusaura T, Okawa W, Kajihara Y, Saito I. The blood pressure-lowering effect and
safety of chlorogenic acid from green coffee bean extract in essential hypertension. Clin Exp Hypertens. 2006
4.Shimoda H, Seki E, Aitani M. Inhibitory effect of green coffee bean extract on fat accumulation and body weight
gain in mice. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2006 Mar 17;6:9.
5.Onakpoya I, Terry R, Ernst E. The use of green coffee extract as a weight loss supplement: a systematic review and
meta-analysis of randomised clinical trials. Gastroenterol Res Pract. 2011;2011. doi:pii: 382852.10.1155/2011/382852.
Epub 2010 Aug 31.
6.Vinson JA, Burnham BR, Nagendran MV. Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, linear dose, crossover study
to evaluate the efficacy and safety of a green coffee bean extract in overweight subjects. Diabetes Metab Syndr Obes.
2012;5:21-7. doi: 10.2147/DMSO.S27665. Epub 2012 Jan 18.